Meeting documents

SWT Planning Committee
Thursday, 24th October, 2019 1.00 pm

Outline Planning Application with all matters reserved, except for means of access, for the erection of up to 139 dwellings and associated works on Land south of Doniford Road and Normandy Avenue, Watchet, Taunton


3/37/17/019 Outline Planning Application with all matters reserved, except for means of access, for he erection of up to 139 dwellings and associated works on Land south of Doniford Road and Normandy Avenue, Watchet, Taunton



Comments received from members of the public included;


·       Flooding issues;

·       New homes should be in reach of local amenities;

·       Concerns with access to the site from Doniford Road, Williton;

·       Concerns with noise and disturbance whilst this estate was being built;

·       No bus routes to the estate;

·       Public access through Cherry Tree Way was a permissive right given by the residents of Cherry Tree Way and could be taken away at any time;

·       No appointments available for the doctors surgery;

·       Concerns with the private roads upkeep;

·       The development should not be developed until the Liddymoor Farm site was developed;

·       Development did not comply with Policies SC1,SC5,OC1,CF5,CF2;

·       Concerns that there were no street lights or footpath to the site;

·       Public Right of Way to the site needed improving:

·       Watchet was already saturated by proposed housing developments;

·       There was no infrastructure in Watchet to sustain this development;

·       Increased traffic;

·       Concerns with the loss of the road side hedge changing the rural character;

·       This development would have an adverse impact on the landscape;

·       Concerns with lack of consultation on the application;

·       Currently there was a green open space between the edge of Watchet and the outline of Normandy drive, this development would close this;

·       The AONB need to be consulted on this application;

·       The site had been promoted for development in a transparent and  correct manner;

·       Public consultation was sought with various consultees;

·       Pre application advice was sought for this development;

·       5 years was not considered to be a speculative development for this site;

·       The development would improve flooding on this site;

·       No technical objections had been received for this scheme;

·       This development would alleviate the housing crisis in West Somerset;


At this point in the meeting the Chair called for a 5 minute break.


Comments from members included;


·       Concerns with how the cyclist and walkers would get to Williton;

·       Wildlife would be squeezed into a smaller area;

·       The traffic impact was not seen on the site visit;

·       There was no easy way to get into Watchet from this site;

·       Concerns with Flooding issues on the site;

·       Concerns that the site would be visible from the AONB;

·       Concerns that the site was premature;

·       Ecological mitigation needs to be taken into account;

·       Development not compliant with the purposes of sustainability;

·       Lack of bus services to the area;

·       The site was not appropriate until Liddymoor Farm had been developed;

·       Concerns with the access through Cherry Tree Way;

·       The site did not comply with TR2 regarding reducing reliance on private cars;

·       Further commitment to social housing was needed;

·       Concerns with lack of employment in the area;


Councillor Aldridge proposed and Councillor Morgan seconded a motion for the application to be REFUSED the motion failed.


Councillor Habgood proposed and Councillor Tully seconded a motion for the application to be APPROVED with the amended recommendation as on the update sheet;


It was recommended that delegated Authority be granted to the Principal Planning Specialist to grant planning permission subject to the completion of an appropriate legal agreement to secure the following:


·       An appropriate mix and tenure of affordable housing at a rate of 35% of the total number of dwelling provided;

·       Provision and maintenance of on-site play and open space (including LEAP);

·       Provision of lands for ecological mitigation within the applications ownership;

·       Travel Plan, including monitoring costs, and measures set out in the submitted NMU;

·       Education contributions of £221,962, for early years and £546,368 for Knights Templar 1st School;


The Motion was carried with one abstention


At this point in the meeting the Chair called for a 5 minute break.

Supporting documents: